4.3. Term algebras
Synonymous terms
In any draft, x ≃ y is the condition for the terms
with roots x and y to be synonymous, i.e. taking the same value
f(x) = f(y) for any interpretation f of the draft in a partial algebra.
Terms in different drafts D, E with the same variables, can be so compared
by interpreting ≃ in their coproduct D ⊔V E.
Equivalently, for any morphisms f∈MorL,V(D,F),
g∈MorL,V(E,F) to a functional draft F,
∀y∈E, x ≃ y ⇔ f(x) = g(y).
This equivalence comes from !: MorL,V(D
⊔V E, F) ⇌ MorL,V(D,F)
× MorL,V(E,F) and that, as explained in 4.2, ≃ is the
preimage of = by any variables-preserving morphism to a functional draft.
Then, ∀h∈MorL,V(D,E),
∀x,y∈D, h(x) ≃ x ∧ (x ≃ y ⇔ h(x)
≃ h(y))
because ≃⃗E ⚬ h ∈
MorL,V(D, ⤓E).
Thus ∀x,y∈D,
the meaning of x ≃ y is the same for any sub-drafts of D which x and
y are respectively considered elements of, such as the terms Tx and
Ty (using h∈MorL,V(Tx
⊔V Ty, D)).
Term algebras
For any set given set V, a V-ary term L-algebra is an L-system
equivalently described as:
- An algebraic L-draft D where VD = V;
An injective L-algebra D generated by V where
V ∩ Im φD = ∅ (thus D\Im φD = V);
- A final L-draft in the sense of variables-preserving morphisms MorL,V ;
- An L-algebra with basis V in the category of L-algebras.
As any draft, it is qualified as ground if V = ∅, i.e. (by definition 2.) a
ground term L-algebra is an algebra both minimal
and injective, and thus also bijective; 4. means it is an initial L-algebra.
Intuitively, a V-ary term L-algebra T represents the set of all V-ary
operation symbols possibly defined by L-terms ; any V-ary
s∈L has a copy sT(IdV) ∈ T.
Proof of equivalence. Already 1. ⇔ 2. ⇒ (3. ∧ 4.).
Proof of 3. ⇒ 1. : any final L-draft D is
- Functional : ∃f∈MorL,V(⤓D, D), f
⚬ ≃⃗D ∈ MorL,V(D, D)
∴ f ⚬ ≃⃗D = IdD ∴ Inj ≃⃗D
- Serial : MorL,V(D∪(LD\Dom D), D) ≠∅
- VD = V because V is a draft.
Let us prove 4. ⇒ 2. after reduction to the ground case by replacing variables by
constants (replacing L by L∪V).
Any initial L-algebra (E,φE)
is :
- minimal : ∃f∈MorL(E, MinLE),
f ∈ EndL(E) = {IdE} ∴
MinLE = E
- injective : (F = LE ∧ φF =
LφE) ⇒
φE ⚬ LφE =
φE ⚬ φF
∃f∈ MorL(E,F),
φE⚬f ∈ EndL E = {IdE}
∴ f⚬φE =
φF⚬Lf =
L(φE⚬f) = IdF.∎
According to the last formula of 3.4, for any f∈MorL(D,E)
where D is an L-term algebra with basis V and E is an
L-algebra, we have Im f = 〈f[V]〉L.
Thus for any A ⊂ E, if there exists an L-term algebra with basis A
(this hypothesis can be dispensed of with more work) then 〈A〉L is the set
of values in E of all L-terms with variables in A.
Term algebras in injective algebras
In any injective L-algebra (E,φE), the subalgebra 〈V〉L
generated by any V ⊂ E \ Im φE, is a term algebra.
So, the existence of an injective L-algebra implies that of a ground term L-algebra.
For any f∈MorL(K,E) from a ground draft K
to an injective system E, the system Im f is both injective and minimal, i.e. a ground
draft. As with any morphism, if K is serial then Im f is serial; if E is functional
then Im f is functional. Thus, if K is a ground term algebra and E is an injective
partial algebra then Im f is a ground term algebra,
and thus f is injective (by essential uniqueness of initial or final objects).
Precisely to distinguish statements and their respective ranges of validity,
- If K is a serial minimal system and E is an injective partial algebra
then Im f is a ground term algebra;
- If K is a functional ground draft and E is injective then f is injective
(because ∼f ⊂ f⋆(≃Im f) =
≃K = 𝛿K).
Some more complicated statements can be obtained in non-ground cases by applying the above
to the language L∪V.
Particular languages
If L has no constant then ∅ is a ground term L-algebra and the
only ground L-draft.
If L only has constants, then ground term L-algebras are the
copies of L.
If L only has symbols with arity 0 or 1 then every L-term is functional.
This will be deduced below.
Long composition
In any draft D over a language of function symbols, l∈DOD.
For any x∈D, the subsystem of H = ≤⃗(x) of D
has a structure of L-draft where the role of VH is played by {x}.
Proof. In the general case of drafts we had
<⃗(x) = R⋆ H, so that
∀y∈<⃗(x), H ∩ Im ly ≠ ∅.
With a language of function symbols, the condition
H∩ Im ly ≠ ∅ becomes ly ∈ H and equivalent
to Im ly ⊂ H, making H co-stable outside x.∎
Then, G = Tx ∪ H ⊂ D is a sub-draft with VG =
Therefore (D = Tr) ⇒ (r ∈ H ∴ G = D).
So, the order on any term Tr over a language of function symbols is total,
and Tr is essentially the formal composite of both terms Tx and H
for any x ∈ Tr.
It is easy to conclude that Tr is functional with a single used variable.
Trajectories by transformation sets
For any set of transformations L ⊂ EE, seen as a set of function
symbols interpreted in E, ∀x∈E,
〈{x}〉L = {f(x)|f∈〈L〉{Id,⚬}}
∀X⊂E, 〈X〉L =
⋃f∈〈L〉{Id,⚬} f[X]
= ⋃x∈X 〈{x}〉L
The left equality can be written A = K where A =
〈X〉L, M = 〈L〉{Id,⚬}
and K = {f(x) | (f,x)∈M×X};
the right equality is directly deducible from it (or from the fact unions preserve stability
among subsets of systems with languages of function symbols).
As will be clarified below, both A and K mean the set of values of all
composites of any number of functions in L, applied to any x∈X.
Proof of A ⊂ K
IdE ∈ M ∴ X⊂K
∀g∈L, ∀y∈K, ∃(f,x)∈M×X,
y = f(x) ∧ g⚬f ∈ M ∴ g(y) =
g⚬f(x) ∈ K
∈ SubL E
Proof of K ⊂ A
L ⊂ {f∈EE| A ∈
Sub{f}E} = End{A}E
∈ Sub{Id,⚬}EE
M ⊂ End{A}E
X ⊂ A ∈ Sub{f}E
∴ f[X] ⊂ A. ∎
Free monoids
A free monoid is a monoid with a basis in the category of monoids. Then its basis is
generating (for the same reason as the above case of categories of algebras).
Any unary term L-algebra M (if it exists) is an egg in the category of
L-algebras, thus (as seen in 3.11) a monoid acting on all L-algebras with
MorL ⊂ MorM.
If L is a language of function symbols and M is a unary term
L-algebra then L is a basis of M in the
category of monoids.
Let us confuse every s∈L with its copy sM(e)
∈ M.
By the representation
theorem, any monoid N is isomorphic to a
transformation monoid N ⊂ XX (by taking X
= N and reading composition as left action).
Any u∈NL makes X an L-algebra,
thus defines an action f ∈ Mor{e,•}(M,XX)
∧ f|L = u.
Such an f is unique because L is a generating subset of the monoid M
identified as a submonoid of the transformation monoid MM:
〈L〉{e,•} = {s•e | s∈〈L〉{e,•}}
= {g(e) | g∈〈{sM|s∈L}〉{Id,⚬}}
= 〈{e}〉L = M.
Finally Im f = f[〈L〉{e,•}] ⊂ 〈Im
u〉{Id,⚬} ⊂ N.∎
Conversely, if L is a basis of a monoid M in the category of monoids, then
M is a unary term L-algebra.
Proof: Any L-algebra structure on any set E is uniquely extensible as
an M-set structure. Thus MorM ⊂ MorL, and
(M, e) is an egg in the category with M-morphisms on the class of
L-algebras. Thus
∀x∈E, hx ∈
MorM(M,X) ⊂ MorL(M,X) ∧
hx(e) = x.
To conclude that (M, e) is also an egg in the category of L-algebras, we
deduce uniqueness from
〈{e}〉L = 〈L〉{Id,•} = M.
Note: since 〈L〉{e,•} = M, we have MorL = MorM.
This view of free monoids as unary term algebras on languages of function symbols,
can then be re-expressed saying they are made of all finite strings (i.e. tuples) of symbols
from a given set, with concatenation
in the role of composition.
The unique variables-preserving morphism from any {e,•}-draft
to the free monoid with basis its set of variables, is the function of "syntactic simplification" which
removes the occurrences of e and "removes all parenthesis", according respectively
to the axioms of identity and associativity which define the category of monoids. Such morphisms from
{e,•}-term algebras are surjective.
(Old French text)
Set theory and foundations
of mathematics
1. First foundations of mathematics
2. Set theory
3. Algebra 1
4. Arithmetic and first-order foundations
5. Second-order foundations
6. Foundations of Geometry