4.4. Integers and recursion

The set ℕ

Ideally, Arithmetic is the concept of the system ℕ of natural numbers. In effect, an arithmetic is any theory aiming to describe it. There are diverse such theories, depending on the choices of a logical framework, a language and a set of axioms. The ideal framework for arithmetic would be second-order logic. Then, it has multiple possible reductions into the framework of first-order logic, needed to provide concepts of formal provability (but which will remain incomplete).

Let us start with the set theoretical arithmetic, most precise arithmetic preserving its ideal meaning by the natural insertion of second-order logic into set theory, interpreting second-order quantifiers by the powerset symbol (leaving the extent of formal provability open and up to the choice of additional axioms for set theory). This is a set theoretical definition of "the standard ℕ", or rather its isomorphism class relative to the given universe.
There are actually two main (kinds of) versions of it, depending on the strength of the set theory involved. Let us start with the easier one involving a stronger set theory:

Definition. The set ℕ of natural numbers is a (fixed choice of) unary term {S}-algebra where S is a function symbol called the successor ; also expressible as a ground term {0,S}-algebra where 0 (zero) is a constant symbol.

The existence of such a system is our first expression of the axiom of infinity, which essentially means to recognize the class of natural numbers as a set.

The other version of set theoretical arithmetic aims to work without this axiom, by defining the class of "finite sets", and letting natural numbers measure the cardinals (numbers of elements) of finite sets, which will be defined in 4.6.

Let us formalize this definition in the form of 3 constant symbols ℕ, 0, S with the following axioms :

0 ∈ ℕ ∧ S : ℕ → ℕ : ℕ is a {0,S}-algebra
(H0) n∈ℕ, Sn ≠ 0 : 0 ∉ Im S
(Inj) n,p∈ℕ, Sn = Sp n = p : S is injective
(Ind) A⊂ℕ, (0∈A ∧ ∀nA, SnA) ⇒ A=ℕ : 0 generates ℕ (induction axiom).

More constant symbols can be defined from there:
1 = S0
2 = S1 = SS0
and so on.

This completes our axioms of set theory up to the strength of Mc Lane set theory, which essentially forms (with the axiom of choice) the most commonly used foundational theory for mathematics. It will imply the existence of term algebras with any language.
This definition of ℕ may be criticized as circular, for involving concepts of algebra we initially introduced using ℕ as set of possible arities of symbols. But these concepts may be re-written up to this point without this use, by restriction to the use of symbols with small arities (0, 1, 2).

Recursively defined sequences

By previous results, our definition of ℕ naturally gives to each n∈ℕ a role of function symbol Sn defined by a unary {S}-term and interpreted in each {S}-algebra (E,f) as a function f nEE.

A sequence of elements of a set E, is a family u : ℕ → E. It is called recursive when it is a {S}-morphism for a given {S}-algebra structure on E, i.e. defined by choices of aE and fEE :

u ∈ Mor{0,S}(ℕ, (E,(a,f))) ⇔ (∀n∈ℕ, un = f n(a))
⇔ (u0 = a ∧ ∀n∈ℕ, uSn = f(un)).

The formula (u0 = a ∧ ∀n∈ℕ, uSn = f(un)) is called the recursive definition of u. Indeed, it determines a unique u since ℕ is an initial {0,S}-algebra, or equivalently (ℕ,0) is an egg for {S}-algebras.
Intuitively, each f n(a) abbreviates the term made of n iterates of the function symbol f, applied to the variable a :
f 0(a) = a
f 1(a) = f(a)
f 2(a) = f(f(a))

The sequence (f n) is itself recursively defined by

f 0 = IdE ∧ ∀n∈ℕ, f Sn = ff n.

In particular, f 1 = f and f 2 = ff.
Generally for any fEE, gEX, the recursive sequence h : ℕ → EX defined by
h0 = g ∧ ∀n∈ℕ, hSn = fhn
hn = f ng


When natural numbers are conceived as cardinals of finite sets, addition and multiplication in ℕ can be defined from the operations of sum and product between sets (2.6), which directly gives their basic properties from the corresponding canonical bijections.
But let us here develop these operations only based on the above definition of ℕ.
Since (ℕ, 0) is an egg for {S}-algebras, it forms a monoid (ℕ, 0, +), acting on any {S}-algebra (X,f) as

ℕ×X ∋ (n,x) ↦ f n(x)

It is conventionally defined by recursion as

n + 0 = n
p∈ℕ, n+S(p) = S(n+p)
n+1 = S(n+0) = Sn

thus basically acting on the right :

n+p = Sp(n).

The associativity of + will be used implicitly, omitting parenthesis.
As any unary term {S}-algebra, the monoid (ℕ, 0, +) has a basis, that is {1}, i.e. (ℕ,1) is an egg in the category of monoids. It is commutative as it is generated by the singleton {1} (which commutes with itself). Thus the sides in the use of + won't matter, and

f Sn = ff n = f nf.

Inversed recursion and integers

If fEE is injective, resp. surjective, then so is f n for each n∈ℕ (the proof is easy by induction).
Precisely, ∀f∈𝔖E, ∀n∈ℕ, fn∈𝔖E ∧ (f n)-1 = (f -1)n

More generally,

f,gEE, gf = IdE ⇒ ∀n∈ℕ, gnf n = IdE

Proof by induction using the commutativity of + :

g0f0 = IdE⚬IdE = IdE
gnf n = IdEgSnf Sn =ggnf nf =gf = IdE

Let -ℕ = {-n | n∈ℕ} (where -n is read "minus n") a copy of ℕ, structured as a partial {0,S}-algebra where 0-ℕ = -0 and S-ℕ is the copy of S-1. As a relational system, it works like ℕ with S transposed. Thus, it has a unique {0,S}-morphism to any {0,S}-system E whose transpose is algebraic, i.e. 0E is a singleton and SE is both injective and surjective. This negative recursion will be mainly used with {0,S}-algebras (E,(a,f)) where f ∈ 𝔖E :

(f n(a))n∈-ℕ ∈ Mor{0,S}(-ℕ, (E,(a,f)))
n∈ℕ, f -n = (f -1)n

This gives back the notation f -1 for the inverse of f as the particular case n=1.
Let us define the system of integers as ℤ = ℕ ∪ -ℕ with the convention ℕ ⋂ -ℕ = {0} = {-0}, and with structure the union of those from ℕ and -ℕ. It is easy to see that S ∈ 𝔖, so that ℤ is a {0,S}-algebra. Obviously, it is the coproduct of ℕ and -ℕ in the category of partial {0,S}-algebras; and thus also in any smaller category that contains it (with a sub-class of systems and the same morphism between them), such as the category of {0,S}-algebras, but more interestingly that of those {0,S}-algebras where S acts as a permutation.
Indeed the systems in this latter class satisfy the existence and uniqueness of both recursion and negative recursion. By virtue of the concept of coproduct, this implies that (ℤ,0) is an egg in the category of {S}-algebras (E,f) where f ∈ 𝔖E. This defines a monoid structure (0,+) on ℤ, extending the one on ℕ, and acting on each such (E,f) by the unique

(f n)n∈ℤ ∈ Mor{0,S}(ℤ, (EE, IdE, ⚬(f)))

It is also the unique morphism of monoid from ℤ to EE sending 1 to f.

ℤ is a group where inverses are given by negation:

n∈ℕ, (-n)+n = 0 = n+(-n)

Precisely, (ℤ,1) is an egg in the category of groups, and also that of permutation groups:

f ∈ 𝔖E, {f n | n∈ℤ} ⊂ 𝔖E.

Moreover, + is commutative.
Indeed, ℤ is generated by {-1, 1}, which commute: (-1) + 1 = 1 + (-1) = 0.
It can also be deduced from the commutativity of + and a previous result.


Let us introduce multiplication as a general concept in category theory, from which the multiplication operations in ℕ and ℤ will come as particular cases.

Let L = {0,+} the language of monoids, and (F,1) an egg in a concrete category where objects are L-algebras and Mor ⊂ MorL.
Then multiplication is defined as the natural right action ⋅ on every object E, of the monoid (F,1,⋅) isomorphic to End F like E is a copy of Mor(F,E):

xE, {⋅⃗(x)} = {f∈ Mor(F,E) | f(1)=x}

The ⊂ logical side of this equality, followed by the use of Mor ⊂ MorL, expands as This may be (not so usefully) completed by the formula Mor(F,E) = Im ⋅⃗ to form a definition of ⋅ from Mor(F,E).
But, this action (xn for xE, nF) may be denoted differently depending on the name for the L-structure of E : if that structure is conceived as a kind of multiplication then the action rather takes an exponential notation xn.

Our first example is the egg (ℕ,1) of the category of transformation monoids where +E is defined as the transpose of composition : the unique morphism of ℕ into a transformation monoid EXX which sends 1 to f, is the recursive sequence (fn)n∈ℕ.
The above axioms are denoted there

fE, f 0 = IdXf 1 = f
fE, ∀n,p∈ℕ, f n+p = f pf n

The proof of the latter is expressible in this case as follows: for each fixed n, the sequence (fn+p)p∈ℕ fits the above recursive definition of (f pf n)p∈ℕ. Namely

fn+0 = f n ∧ ∀p∈ℕ, f n+Sp = f S(n+p) = ff n+p
∴ ∀aE, (pf n+p(a)) ∈ Mor{0,S}(ℕ,(E, f n(a),f)) ∎

The remaining axiom of the action of ⋅ is written there

fEE, f np = (f n)p.

This category also satisfies the left zero axiom, but outside the egg it neither fits right distributivity, nor the commutativity of +.

As another example, the category of algebras made of a commutative monoid (resp. commutative group) with another constant symbol (not subject to any axiom), has an egg whose monoid structure (0,+) is that of ℕ×ℕ (resp. ℤ×ℤ). Its + is everywhere commutative, but left zero and right distributivity fail even in the egg.

So, to justify those remaining properties of multiplication, some other condition is needed. Let us now focus on those we have for ℕ and ℤ. Another solution with wider scope will be given later in terms of clones.

If Mor(F,E) = MorL(F,E) then ∀f∈ MorL(F,E), ⋅⃗(f(1)) = f.
So if moreover E is a commutative monoid then Im ⋅⃖ ⊂ EndLE, namely

  1. xF, 0⋅x = 0 (left zero)
  2. x,yE,zF, (x+y)⋅z = xz + yz (right distributivity)
  3. Therefore if E=F then ⋅ is commutative.
  1. uses 0+0 = 0 in E.
  2. ⋅⃗(x+y) = (Fzxz + yz) because
  3. The formulas which defined ⋅ also hold for its transpose, thus both coincide. ∎
Conversely, if distributivity holds and +E is associative and cancellative, then it is also commutative.
Proof : ∀x,yE,

x + y+x + y = (x+y)⋅1 + (x+y)⋅1 = (x+y)⋅(1+1)
= x⋅(1+1) + y⋅(1+1) = x + x+y + y

Note : if E = F then another proof is possible with a somehow weaker cancellativity assumption:

xy + y+x +1 = (x+1)⋅(y+1) = xy + x+y +1

Set theory and foundations of mathematics
1. First foundations of mathematics
2. Set theory
3. Algebra 1
4. Arithmetic and first-order foundations
4.1. Algebraic terms
4.2. Quotient systems
4.3. Term algebras
4.4. Integers and recursion
4.5. Presburger Arithmetic
4.6. Finiteness
4.7. Countability and Completeness
4.8. More recursion tools
4.9. Non-standard models of Arithmetic
4.10. Developing theories : definitions
4.11. Constructions
4.A. The Berry paradox
5. Second-order foundations
6. Foundations of Geometry