Set theory and Foundations of Mathematics

1. First foundations of mathematics
 2. Set theory (all in one file - pdf)
2.1. First axioms of set theory The inclusion predicate
Formulas vs statements
The role of axioms
Converting the binders
Classification of axioms
Axioms for notions
Axiom of Extensionality
Axioms for functions
2.2. Set generation principle Formalizing diverse notions in set theory
Sets as domains of bounded quantifiers
Statement of the principle
Main examples (union, image, ∅, pairs...)
2.3. Currying and tuples
Formalizing operations and relations
Tuples axiom
Tuples in set theory
2.4. Uniqueness quantifiers and
conditional operators
Uniqueness quantifiers
Single element axiom
Conditional connective
Conditional operator
Relations as operations
Defining the tuples definers
2.5. Families, Boolean operators on sets Families
Structures and binders
Extensional definition of sets
Union of a family of sets
Other Boolean operators on sets
2.6. Graphs Currying notation
Functional graphs
Indexed partitions
Sum or disjoint union
Direct and inverse images by a graph
Direct and inverse images by a function
2.7. Products and powerset Cartesian product of two sets
Finite products, operations and relations
Translating operators into predicates
More primitive symbols
(Powerset, Exponentiation, Product)
Their equivalence
Cantor's Theorem
The ZF approach
2.8. Injectivity and inversion Composition, restriction
Injections, bijections, inverse
Diverse properties
Canonical functions
Sum of functions
Product of functions or recurrying
2.9. Binary relations on a set Preimages and products
Basic properties
Preorders and orders
Strict and total orders
Equivalence relations
Quotient functions
2.10. Axiom of choice Properties of curried composition
Axiom of choice over a set (ACX)
Dependencies between diverse ACX
More statements simply equivalent to AC
2.A. Time in set theory Standard universes
The standardness ideal
The realistic view of set theory
Standard multiverses
Can a set contain itself ?
2.B. Interpretation of classes The relative sense of open quantifiers
The indefiniteness of classes
Classes and sets in expanding universes
Justifying the set generation principle
Concrete examples
2.C. Concepts of truth in mathematics Arithmetic truths
More concepts of strength
Set theory from realism to axiomatization
Axioms compatibility condition
Alternative logical frameworks
3. Algebra - 4. Arithmetic - 5. Second-order foundations
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