Links and pages on diverse sciences
besides the texts on this site on the foundations of mathematics and physics
About this site
(purpose and author)
videos : Why learn Physics by yourself - text version.
Copies of my list of Covid-related Facebook posts and
list of other posts.
On materialism vs. parapsychology
Video : Why science and spirituality seem to diverge
- text version
Philosophy and sociology of science
Directory of links on the foundations of mathematics
Logic and set theory around the
world : Research teams and centers (Europe - North America
- Other)
Links on logic and foundations
by categories (Publications -
Blogs - Organizations
- Mailing lists
- Software - Other)
Physics links
course of quantum field theory linked from a discussion on wave/particle duality
Texts on other topics
Global History, from the Big Bang to the
emergence of humans
Why I am upset : I cannot find anyone both able
to think and interested to make sense of life ; either way, people
prefer to die stupid than to make a better world.
On the world's failures to
steer itself properly : a very long analysis of the stakes of
the future and how they are often improperly considered in essays of
2014's contest "How should humanity steer the future", with a few
sections in separate pages:
My other sites
Philosophy : Anti-spirituality - Singles Union
IT and economics : I wish to find a Nodejs-Vuejs developer for a great project, please write me: Trust-forum project (vague introduction not recently updated but I have something to show for anyone considering to join) - Infoliberalism
Links on other topics
Links against psychiatry
Links of criticism of the academic system
Back links
The biggest Facebook security hole
Why I hate Avast
List of companies and organizations named Do It or Do It Solutions